1. morka
2. hi guys sorry for my english but i reaaly want to play here so theres my appel for ban) u can search that i come there some days before and hawe been banned this day) i found some mushrooms and building resources undtrground and make something like home on the mount near the skeleton. i make it with a dirt and decide that i can found some wood for door. im walking ower the town and find 3 blocks of wood near the house that your op build. i crush it but then i sow that its was wall of his house... they really lay on the rock i cant realise that theres wall) when he find that i crush him house im scared and jump inside) he decide that im griffer and ban me/ its my mistake i may simply stay sory and drow this wood. i think it pretty stupid make crime in the house of operator when he build his house)) im so sorry and hope that u will undersatnd me. my nickname morka
3. i really like this server so much and scared to do wrong step there) this was like something insane for me.
l will be instantly denied